Lease a bike

Tailored bicycle lease

Cyclobility provides an efficient commuting solution through the leasing and selling of quality (electric) bicycles. We assist and motivate both employers and employees and give them complete peace of mind. We will do everything to give them a perfect daily cycling experience. We do not hesitate to choose partners who, like us, believe in running an environmentally, economically and socially responsible business.

I want to know more
Man op elektrische fiets in de stad
  • Only premium brands
  • Test ride possible
  • 6 shops to visit


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Bike leasing, how does it work?

Leasing a bicycle with Cyclobility is easy as pie: our team offers employers and employees a complete package. Bicycle leasing is a major step forward for your company.

Decided to team up with Cyclobility? Then we will organise a presentation to employees who are interested in bicycle leasing as soon as we can. After two weeks, during which the employee can think about whether he/she wants to join our leasing programme, we will organise an on-site test event. Everyone will have the opportunity to test – and most likely approve – all bikes.

For each company, we will create a unique web shop where employees can check the rates for leasing a bicycle. It is a custom website that enables the employer to monitor and follow up everything quickly and efficiently.

Is bicycle leasing something for you?
Vrouw fietst op een witte Riese & Muller door de stad

How much does it cost to lease a bike?

Bike leasing includes bike rental and everything that is part of your cycling experience: maintenance, insurance against theft and damage, bike assistance and a replacement service. Cyclobility offers a bicycle leasing package tailored to your company.

When leasing a bicycle in Belgium, the employer and employee will generally agree that a bicycle will be made available in exchange for a salary deduction. And that is a wonderful thing, because the contribution is deducted from the gross monthly pay, and therefore exempt from income tax and National Insurance, which means the employee only pays half of the actual cost.

And if the employer pays a bicycle allowance, it is actually possible to reduce the cost for the employee to zero Euro altogether. In some cases it is even possible to make a profit!

I want to know more
Riese & Muller bakfiets leasen

Leasing a bicycle through an employer

Cyclobility is the ideal partner for companies wishing to offer employees a bicycle leasing scheme.

All bicycle leasing contracts are organised through Cyclobility, with zero hassle for the employer. We provide the necessary documents and help the manager with the preparation of a cycling policy. This policy is a concrete agreement between the employer and the employees who are leasing a bicycle.

Leasing a bicycle through your employer has never been easier.

Make an appointment
Vrouw die met elektrische leasefiets door tunnel rijdt.

Which bicycle can you lease?

Cyclobility gives you countless options within a range of well-known brands. Come and test our bicycles and speed pedelecs without any obligation.

Do you want to lease an electric bicycle? Then browse the models of Riese & Müller, Moustache and Yuba. Or are you more of a sports person? Then a road bike by BMC, Orbea, Stevens, Scott or Thompson might be exactly what you’re looking for. The adventurers among us will definitely find what they are looking for in Salsa & KONA. Do you like speed? Then you could lease a high-quality Stromer speed pedelec.

Because we want you to be able to enjoy your daily commute without frustration, we have deliberately opted for premium drive systems for our e-bikes and speed pedelecs.

Witte Stromer speed pedelec die je kan leasen bij Cyclobility

Benefits of leasing a bike

The benefits of leasing a bike for employees are limitless. It enhances sustainability by encouraging healthy lifestyles and reducing CO2 emissions. Also, bicycle leasing is a tax-friendly and exempt from fringe benefit (‘voordeel van alle aard’) taxation, resulting in lower taxes. Employees can buy their dream bike at a reduced price and benefit from maintenance, repairs, bicycle insurance and breakdown service.

For employers, bicycle leasing is budget-neutral and offers opportunities for optimising the pay package, attracting new employees and a good CSR policy. The administrative burden is minimised with a tailor-made webshop. Also, bicycle leasing reduces parking problems and absenteeism, promoting a healthier and more active working environment.

So the many benefits outweigh the disadvantages of bike leasing.

Vrouw rijdt op witte speed pedelec van Stromer

Our top brands


Riese and Muller Roadster

‘Traffic jam fighters, unite!’ Cyclobility is the ideal partner for those who want a green commute by bike. It is a young, dynamic company with an excellent range of varied and high-quality bicycles that can be purchased or leased, so your staff can leave their car at home and pedal to work instead.

Marino Moons
Fluvius mobility coordinator

‘Cyclobility is the ideal partner for our range of lease bicycles. A good choice of bicycles, information sessions, maintenance, repairs, administration, ... all perfectly arranged. Cyclobility is not just about business; its team truly has a passion for cycling. And we, as customer, can really feel this.’

Patrick Knudde
Head Operations & Human Resources Isolava - Knauf

‘North Sea Port has been keen to look after the health and comfort of its employees for many years. We therefore want to offer North Sea Port employees a sustainable alternative to traditional commuting and the use of a private car. In less than two years, more than half of the employees (85 in total) have chosen to use a bicycle as an alternative means of transport, accounting for an average of 10,000 cycled commuter kilometres a month.’

Filip Remmerie
Facility Manager North Sea Port

    Apply for bicycle leasing

    Are you an employer or employee who is interested in bike leasing? Then contact us and we’ll be happy to pay you a visit. Cyclobility will explain all the aspects of bicycle leasing to you, and guarantee that it will organise the right bicycle leasing policy.

    Cyclobility is the perfect bicycle leasing partner! Hassle-free bicycle leasing is what our business is all about.


    • Leasing a bicycle as a private person unfortunately is not possible. However, it is possible to obtain a bicycle loan as a private person. So you can buy a bicycle and pay it off at your leisure.

    • Op vandaag kun je als leerkracht geen fiets leasen in het onderwijs. Toch niet via de klassieke brutoloonruil formule of door optimalisatie van de eindejaarspremie.

      Het schoolbestuur heeft echter de optie om als werkgever rechtstreeks een fietsleaseovereenkomst aan te gaan met een fietsleasemaatschappij en de voorwaarden daarvan te bespreken met het personeel. Als dit pad wordt bewandeld, zal de bijdrage voor het leasen van de fiets losstaan van het salaris van de leerkracht, dat wordt uitbetaald door het Agentschap voor Onderwijsdiensten (AGODI). Hierdoor heeft fietsleasing op dit moment geen fiscale voordelen voor mensen die werkzaam zijn in het onderwijs.

    • Er zijn heel weinig nadelen verbonden aan fietsleasing en ze wegen al helemaal niet op tegen de vele voordelen ervan. Dit zijn de belangrijkste zaken waarmee je rekening moet houden:

      1. Verbrekingsvergoeding bij beëindiging overeenkomst: als je ontslag neemt, dan kan je ervoor kiezen om de fiets over te nemen. Doe je dit niet, dan moet je een verbrekingsvergoeding betalen. Werd je ontslagen door de werkgever, dan is de verbrekingsvergoejding voor hem.
      2. Geen eigendom bij fietslease: tijdens de leaseperiode ben je zelf geen eigenaar van de fiets. Je kunt deze wel overnemen na de leasetermijn.
      3. Minimale impact op je pensioen: als je ervoor kiest om via je werkgever een fiets te leasen door middel van een maandelijkse brutoloonruil, dan zal je brutoloon iets lager zijn. Dit heeft een beperkte invloed op je pensioen. Ontdek er hier alles over.
    • Ja, een fiets leasen als zelfstandige is mogelijk bij Cyclobility.